Compassion Focused Therapy
On demand workshops
Choose from our six Compassion Focused Therapy workshops
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Each workshop £80.00 for 6 hours of CPD plus downloadable resources
CPD certificate on request (only after completed please)
How to access workshop
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Compassion Focused Therapy
Only £80 for 6 hours CPD
Click title for full abstract
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Unlimited personal access, downloadable resources and CPD certificate (on request and after completion)
Professor Paul Gilbert
Difficulties in the early attachment process can compromise emotion and self-regulation. CFT helps clients to harness thee psychophysiological processes of the care motivation system as a framework for therapy. This workshop introduces some of the basic processes of compassion and how to use them therapeutically.
Professor Paul Gilbert
We will discuss some of the central practices of CFT, which are designed to stimulate internal physiological systems and create a compassionate mind. Developing a compassionate mind and that self identity then becomes a central therapeutic aim that is used to address difficulties such as self criticism, shame and trauma.
Professor Paul Gilbert
Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) was developed with and for people who have significant problems with shame and self criticism, often linked to early life backgrounds, This workshop will guide participants to distinguish between shame-based self-criticism (attacking) from compassion focused self-correction. The workshop will also brief outline ways of cultivating our inner motives for caring and commpassion.
Dr Deborah Lee
The focus of this workshop will be how to bring compassion to shame-based flashback memories to promote recover and resolution for distressing symptoms of PTSD and complex PTSD. The approach builds on evidence based practice such as trauma focused CBT (Ehlers and Clark) and Imagery Rescripting (Arntz, 2012). The explicit goal is to develop, access and stimulate positive affect associated with self-soothing to promote an inner sense of psychological safeness.
Dr Deborah Lee
The concept of compassionate leadership brings leadership into every grade and domain in the workplace so that regardless seniority compassionate leadership is everyone's business . In this workshop we will develop skills to enhance compassionate practices through self-awareness and compassionate habits, promote a compassionate team culture and develop tools to improve the emotional environment at work.
Dr Mary Welford
The best time to cultivate a compassionate approach to ourselves and others is in childhood. This workshop uses the ideas and practices of CFT to help build a version of ourselves that is more robust and connected. The principles and practices have no 'cut off' so can be used whatever age you are and whatever age group you work with. After all, no matter what our age, we're all a 'work in progress'.
To access 'on demand' workshops
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Come back any time - save the web address or via the workshop.