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Treating mild to moderate PTSD using web-based guided self help 

(The SPRING programme)

Dr Neil Kitchiner and Mark Lawler

January 29th 2024
09.30 - 12.30 (Half day workshop, 3 hours CPD)
£45 + VAT

Dr Neil Kitchener

Neil Kitchiner

Neil Kitchiner, PhD, is the Director and Clinical Lead for Veterans’ NHS Wales and a Senior Research Fellow. Neil trained as a mental health nurse and has  worked as an accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist (BABCP) since 1999. Neil worked for 37years in  NHS mental health settings within the UK, in the private sector and in  Melbourne, Australia. Neil served as a Capt. in the British Army Reserves, with 203 (Welsh) Field Hospital for 5 years. He deployed to Afghanistan (HERRICK 19a), October 2013 – January 2014, as part of the Army Field Mental Health Team. Neil is a member of the Cardiff University Traumatic Stress Group which developed Spring and other novel interventions to treat PTSD.

Mark Lawlor.jpg

Mark Lawler

Mark Lawler is a BABCP accredited Cognitive Therapist and  Supervisor.   He  qualified as a Mental Health Nurse over 30 years ago. Mark has worked in a wide variety of clinical settings, and trained in CT at the Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre 14 years ago.    He is currently the clinical lead for CBT and Traumatic Stress in Hywel Dda University Health Board in West Wales, and is the local lead for the National organisation Traumatic Stress Wales.  As well as his NHS clinical work, training and supervision, Mark is involved in supervision and training of evidence based trauma interventions across Wales

Treating mild to moderate PTSD using web-based guided self-help

Based on the recommendation from NICE (2005) we developed a new  self-help (GSH) intervention to treat people with mild to moderate PTSD.  The SPRING programme is now recommended by NICE (2023) for NHS Talking Therapies services. 

This workshop will describe the methodological framework used to develop the intervention and present the results of our treatment trial with NHS patients.   We compared the SPRING programme with individual CBT based on CT-PTSD (i.e.e the Ehlers & Clark, 2000 model).  In this practical workshop we will demonstrate the eight steps of the SPRING programme using cvideo clips and role plays (by the two presenters). 

The workshop will also describe our current model for rolling out “Spring” into NHS Health Boards in Wales, via group online training of psychological therapists  and online group supervision.  


1.  To understand the 8 stages of implementing the SPRING web based guided self help programme for PTSD

2.  Discuss the steps taken to develop a new web based intervention

3.  Review the evidence for the effectiveness of SPRING as a treatment for PTSD in adults 

4.  Understand the practical steps needed to introduce the SPRING programme into Talking Therapies services


Lewis C.E, Farewell D, Groves V, Kitchiner N.J., Roberts N.P., Vick T, & Bisson J.I. (2017) Internet-based guided self-help for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): randomised controlled trial.

Nollett C, Lewis C, Kitchiner NJ, Roberts NP, Addison K, Brookes-Howell L, Cosgrove S, Cullen K, Ehlers A, Heke S, Kelson M, Lovell K, Madden K, McEwan K, McNamara R, Phillips C, Pickles T, Simon N, Bisson J. (2018). Pragmatic RAndomised controlled trial of a trauma-focused guided self-help Programme versus InDividual trauma-focused cognitive Behavioural therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (RAPID): trial protocol. BMC Psychiatry. 2018 Mar 27;18(1):77. doi: 10.1186/s12888-018-1665-3.

Bisson J I, Ariti C, Cullen K, Kitchiner N, Lewis C, Roberts N P et al. Guided, internet based, cognitive behavioural therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: pragmatic, multicentre, randomised controlled non-inferiority trial (RAPID) BMJ 2022; 377: e069405 doi:10.1136/bmj-2021-069405.


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